Month: October 2022

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Control Public Expenditure

-Mahama to Akufo-Addo Story:  Reuben SACKEY 2020 flag bearer of   the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) John Dramani Mahama has advised President Nana Addo Dankwa

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We Can’t Have 5thRepublic

-PPP declares Story:Atta  Kwaku   BOADI Progressive People’s Party (PPP) says despite the current economic hardship facing the country, Ghana does need a fifth republican constitution.

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No’Haircuts’On investments

_ Akufo-Addo assures Story:Yaw Takyi President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo on Sunday 30 October 2022 was very clear and direct while sounding confident that no

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Can we learn something from Liz Truss? Something important happened yesterday at Number 10 Downing Street, London that cannot pass without comment by the Today

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Ghana- IMF Engagement…

*Even UK went to IMF *So, what is the difference? The Republic of Ghana and the United Kingdom have both been to the International MonetaryFund

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GN Bank receiver under stress!

Story: Today’s Investigative Team Unimpeachable sources have told Today Newspaper investigators that the Receiver appointed for GN Bank/GN Savings, Mr. Eric Nana Nipah is under

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Nduom at the White House Complex

Story: Today’s Report Tuesday, October 4, 2022 at the U.S. Department of the Treasury. Established by Secretary Jack Lew in 2015, the annual Freedman’s Bank

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