Month: November 2021


Mz Gee slams Sarkodie

* For rubbishing GMA-USA Apparently, Sarkodie, Medikal, Kofi Kinata and others have shunned the USA chapter of the Ghana Music Awards. Mz Gee, a country

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From pandemic to endemic…

*The ethics of Vaccine sale profits Lower middle-income countries would be scratching their heads with the announcement by Great Britain’s biggest pharmaceutical firm AstraZeneca that

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Amidu stirs fresh controversy…

‘Rawlings’ integrity Next to only Nkrumah’ Story: Richmond KEELSON The first Public Prosecutor, Martin Alamisi Kaiser Amidu has assumed a cult controversial figure with his

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Poet pays tribute to Rawlings

Ghanaian Poet and playwright Oswald Okaitei has paid tribute to former President Jerry John Rawlings who passed away exactly a year ago.  ‘The Artistic Tribute to Rawlings’ And

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