Who can revoke gov’t’s licence? – Nduom Quizzes

Story: Reuben Sackey 

Chairman of Groupe Nduom, Dr. Papa Kwesi Nduom has raised concern over some acts of the government and its dealings ahead of the 2024 General Elections.

Commenting on the  ruling in the  case involving  Bank of Ghana (BoG)  and GN  Savings and Loans over the  revocation of the latter’s licence, the renowned  entrepreneur and businessman noted that if the ruling  by  the court  was allowed to stand it could  corrupt Ghana’s judicial system and stunt the economic growth of the country.  

Dr Nduom who said, he looked troubled and worried during an interview with Amansan Television (ATV) in Accra ,  asked: “Who revokes licences of the government when it fails to pay back monies borrowed from people”?

“If the government is unable to pay its debts it owes individuals, it simply means that the nation is bankrupt and has a liquidity crisis”, he added .

According to him, he was worried because of many young Ghanaians who had lost their jobs through the government’s decision to collapse some banks.  

He indicated that, nobody would be able to bring the country’s economy back on track if jobs were not created by indigenous Ghanaians.

“It doesn’t matter who becomes our next president after the elections, we’ll still suffer because Ghana is now bankrupt”, he said. 

The business mogul further did not understand why  Government of  Ghana institutions  owed GN Savings and Loans, yet the government went ahead to revoke the bank’s licence.

To this end, he served notice that the shareholders of the bank would not rest until justice is served,  indicating that they would appeal against the ruling. 

Concerning the structure of the government system in the country, Dr Nduom, not mincing words said,  power must be given to the people at the local level to develop their communities. 

When asked about his recent Facebook post about his resolve to contest if elections were to be held  for the MMDCEs, he answered in affirmative. According to him, “that is the only way I can be accountable to my people in the KEEA”.

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