Veterinary Officers begin fumigation of Pig Farms at Ejisu

…Against African swine fever

Story: Kwadwo Owusu ADUOMI

Veterinary Officers have begun fumigating the Ejisu Cluster of Pig Farms where Africa Swine Fever has killed over 3000 pigs.

The exercise which took place on Friday  was meant to disinfect the farm of the virus which had robbed more than fifty (50) farmers of their livelihood and capital.

Earlier, the farmers had been asked to find means to buy chemicals to disinfect the farms themselves.

But officials of the Ejisu Veterinary Service said  they had  received support from the national headquarters through the Ashanti Regional office.

It  is   however unclear when the farmers can   return to their farms.

Meanwhile, the farmers are still collating the necessary data for proper assessment by the health officials and the Ejisu Municipal Assembly.

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