Sherry Ayittey dies, aged 75…Mahama, wife  mourn late former minister

Story: Yaw Takyi

Former president and flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), John Dramani Mahama and his wife Lordina Mahama have extended words of condolences to the family of the late Sherry Ayittey.

Madam Sherry Ayittey, who served as Minister for Health and later as Minister for Fisheries and Aquaculture Development in Mahama’s administration, died on Saturday, July 22, 2023.


Mr. Mahama on his Facebook page eulogized the late Madam Ayittey and described her demise as shocking and a collective loss.

Lordina and I have learnt with great grief the passing of Madam Sherry Ayittey who served as my Minister for Health and later as Minister for Fisheries and Aquaculture Development.

‘Aunty’ Sherry was an active stalwart of our great party, the National Democratic Congress (NDC), and served as Vice Chair of the party. She was also one of the key leaders of the 31st December Women’s Movement.

We commiserate with her bereaved family while we mourn our collective loss.

Rest In Perfect Peace, Aunty Sherry.

Sherry Ayittey, as she was popularly known, died on Saturday, July 22.

This was announced by the head of family, Nii Kofi Ayittey of Akwetey Nanta of Osu Alata.

Dr Sherry Ayittey was a founder member of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), rising to become a National Vice Chairperson in 2018.

Before then, she was appointed the Minister of Environment, Science and Technology in 2009 by then President John Evans Atta Mills in his government.

She was one of the 19 cabinet ministers in the late President’s administration.

She was, however, appointed Minister of Health by the next NDC administration led by John Dramani Mahama in 2013.

She was later reassigned the Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture Development in 2014 until the NDC left power in 2016.

It was after the party left power that she contested the National Vice Chairperson position and won.

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