Ofori-Atta rallies support for Amin Adam 

Story: News Desk 

Former Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta has expressed confidence in his successor, Dr. Mohammed Amin Adam, urging the Ministry of Finance staff to support him in his new role.

In a heartfelt letter of gratitude issued on Wednesday, February 14,  2024, and sighted by Today, Ofori-Atta thanked the staff for their tireless service and commitment to excellence during his tenure.

He encouraged them to uphold professionalism, ethics, efficiency, and responsiveness, emphasising his vision for a Ghana Beyond Aid.

Describing Dr. Amin Adam as a smart, humble, and inclusive leader, Ofori-Atta stressed the importance of collective effort to ensure a successful tenure for the new appointee.

“The future is here with us as we are blessed with a new leader, Dr Mohammed Amin Adam, who replaced the venerable Charles Adu Boahen, and has been with us through some of the most difficult times. Let us all circle the wagons and ensure a blazing success for his stewardship.

“We all know him as a smart, humble and inclusive leader. Let me state with all humility that nothing would honour me and the ‘Office of the Minister’ more than for you to work with renewed diligence to guide Hon. Amin and our nation to the successful execution of the IMF-ECF programme to promote economic growth and transformation.

“Once again, I thank you for your tireless service and commitment to excellence. It has been my utmost honour and a rare privilege to serve alongside each, and every one of you. I pray that you continue to be resolute, dedicated, unwavering and committed to the work of the Republic and care for the finances of the State.”

President Akufo-Addo on Wednesday, February 14, appointed Dr. Mohammed Amin Adam as the new Finance Minister, replacing Ken Ofori-Atta, who served in the position for seven years.

The announcement came as part of the latest ministerial reshuffle released by President Akufo-Addo on February 14.

Despite facing significant challenges and calls for his dismissal from some members of Ghana’s Parliament, Ken Ofori-Atta served as Ghana’s longest-serving finance minister.

On October 25, 2022, around 80 NPP MPs demanded Ofori-Atta’s resignation due to the country’s struggling economy. Similar calls were echoed by the NDC parliamentary caucus in February 2023.

However, President Akufo-Addo rejected these calls for resignation, urging Parliament to wait until discussions with the IMF were concluded.


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