NOTICE is hereby given that the Seventh (7th) Annual General Meetings of HORDS Limited will be held on Wednesday, June 21, 2023 at 11:00 o’clock in the morning at the Coconut Grove Regency Hotel, North-Ridge, Accra where the following businesses will be transacted:


1. To receive the report of the Chairman of the Board of Directors;

2. To receive and consider the reports of the Directors, the Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet for the year ended December 31, 2022 and the Auditors’ report thereon;

3. To fix the remuneration of the Directors;

4. To authorize the Directors to fix the remuneration of the Auditors;

5. To move a motion to ratify the removal from office of the former CEO;

6. To move a motion to demand an account of stewardship from the former CEO and to empower the Board to ensure that the former CEO does same;

7. To move a motion to relocate the office premises and all aspects of production of the Company from its current location; and

8. To move all other relevant motions that shareholders may deem appropriate at the meeting BY ORDER OF THE BOARD SIGNED CREDIBILIS (COMPANY SECRETARY)

NOTE: A member is entitled to attend and vote at the meeting or to appoint a proxy to attend and vote in his or her stead. A proxy need not be a member of HORDS Limited. A proxy form is enclosed with the accounts. Completed proxy forms should be lodged with the Company Secretary, CREDIBILIS, No. 5, Mozambique Link, North Ridge, Accra OR the Central Securities Depository (Gh) Ltd, 4 th Floor Cedi House, Accra not later than June 14, 2023. This serves as notice to all shareholders to attend

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