*As all court cases & allegations against him have been dismissed

Story: Atta Kwaku Boadi

An Accra High Court has granted interlocutory judgement against defendants who went on radio to spew all manner of negative and vile propaganda against Dr. Papa Kwesi Nduom in 2021. This follows the dismissals of a few cases filed in courts in Ghana, Illinois and Virgina in the United States of America.

Dr. Papa Kwesi Nduom, fed up with the injurious statements and accusations against him by people affiliated with the current Administration in Ghana (we are preparing to name them, one by one) particularly members of the ruling NPP political party, filed a writ in High Court against Hopeson Adorye (1st Defendant) a known and very active member of the NPP, Kwadwo Amankwah Foxzy (2nd Defendant) and Ashh FM. In the writ sighted by Today Newspaper, he stated that on the 5th of June, 2021 the 2nd Defendant hosted and aired on the 3rd Defendant’s ASHH FM, a programme named “KEYNOTE” with the 1st Defendant as a panellist. Dr. Nduom stated that during this session on the 5th of June 2021, the 1st Defendant under the auspices of the 2nd Defendant published disparaging and defamatory statements against him. He prayed the court to find that the defendants had defamed him by their statements that called him a “thief” and insinuating that the Bank of Ghana and security agencies had found him guilty. Dr. Nduom sought to prove that the allegations the 1st Defendant made on radio that a so-called Asanteman Union in Chicago, USA had been used by Dr. Nduom to illegally transfer money to Chicago was not only false, without merit but deliberately meant to cause damage to his hard-earned reputation. The writ was served on them, but they failed to go to court or file their defense to justify or prove their allegations. Hence, the interlocutory judgements against them. Dr. Nduom, Today Newspaper understands has prepared to go back to court to prove the damages the defendants have caused him and his companies in Ghana and internationally and seek compensation.

Dr. Nduom in filing the writ, has served notice that he will no longer tolerate any attempts made by anyone in Ghana, the USA or anywhere else to destroy his reputation or businesses. This, he said is the beginning of fighting back against those who have sought to cause him damage.

The Today Newspaper’s readers will recall that in 2019, the Bank of Ghana put out a public statement which made allegations of illegal money transfers against the shareholders of Groupe Nduom when it announced the revocation of the licenses of GN Bank/GN Savings. Dr. Papa Kwesi Nduom together with other shareholders of GN Savings have been in court since 2019 to prove that the Bank of Ghana peddled falsehoods and relied on documents deliberately put together by the Ministry of Finance to justify a decision made revoke the license.

Our readers will also remember what happened in the USA as documented by Meza Law, the attorneys for Dr. Nduom. This case was allegedly motivated by Bank of Ghana statements and supported by some state agencies and players in Ghana in a failed attempt to destroy the hard earned reputation of Dr. Nduom and justify the destruction of his assets in Ghana.
“Chicago, Illinois – November 23, 2021. Today, United States District Judge Thomas M. Durkin dismissed in its entirety a complaint filed against GN Bank, its Chairman Dr. Papa Kwesi Nduom, GN Bank’s outside directors and others.
The complaint was filed by Birim Group, LLC, a California Limited Liability Company whose sole member was the lawyer who filed the complaint and who had purchased $30,000 and $52,219 claims against companies in Ghana from two citizens of that country. Although neither GN Bank, Dr. Nduom nor any of the GN Bank directors were alleged to have themselves taken any action against these Ghanaian citizens, the complaint named each of them as defendants based on vague allegations of a vast international conspiracy for which the Court found no supporting facts had been alleged.
Noting that “[t]he U.S. Defendants characterize the Plaintiff’s complaint as a political smear devoid of actionable allegations,” the Court in its dismissal decision stated that “[t]he complaint is adorned with extraneous information making the allegations difficult to parse into a coherent narrative.”
The bulk of the complaint made civil allegations under the RICO statute, but the Court dismissed those claims “with prejudice.” This means the RICO claim cannot be brought again.
GN Bank was confident that upon review the Court would agree that this complaint was without merit and could not proceed as a matter of law. “We are grateful for the care the Court exercised in reaching its decision today,” said Dr. Nduom. “Unfortunately, even when allegations are entirely false and without merit, the fact that they have been made at all can be misused for financial or other reasons. That is what happened here but hopefully the Court’s clear and decisive decision will put an end to any further misuse of these unfounded allegations.”
It is worth noting that recently, another case brought in a Virginia Court against Dr. Nduom was also dismissed. This case brought in the US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia by PERCIVAL PARTNERS LIMITED and REIPLO Holdings, LLC (Today Newspaper will unveil the Ghanaians behind this in a follow up story) against Dr. Nduom and others. They alleged that Dr. Nduom had “…orchestrated a wide-ranging fraud scheme through a consortium of financial institutions that they owned in Ghana.”

In an interview with Today, Dr. Nduom said, “…enough is enough. I have been silent, going about my life to restore businesses and trust without engaging in noise or public entanglements of the negative type. I have not sought to use politics to deal with the overwhelming assault on my person and business interests. Some have taken my approach to be a weakness.” He added that those who have taken assets wrongfully, should return them; those who still seek to harm him and those related to him, must stop. He said he will not stop his efforts to create jobs and support the development of the country that gave him a start in life. He will also not quit using public service of all types to make the case for the state to care for all its citizens. He added that anyone who seeks to harm him and his interests must be prepared for more aggressive actions on his part to defend himself, his family and his assets.

The Today Newspaper can say authoritatively that the international attorneys engaged by Dr. Nduom are researching appropriate opportunities to restore assets and reputational damages caused and seek compensation. Timing they have said is everything.

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One thought on “Nduom Vindicated!”

  1. GN Bank Depositor says:

    Glad to hear this news!

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