Nduom Inspires Students; urges them to develop entrepreneurial attitude

Story: Atta Kwaku Boadi

The Chairman of Groupe Nduom, Dr Papa Kwesi Nduom says entrepreneurial attitude has an important place in the life of every successful entrepreneur.

According to Dr Nduom, without a positive attitude, no entrepreneur can thrive, hence his call on those who are aspiring to become giants in the world of entrepreneurship to develop a positive entrepreneurial attitude.

The celebrated entrepreneur made these observations whiles addressing students of University of Media, Arts and Communication, GIJ (UNIMAC-GIJ) at an entrepreneurship seminar in Accra.

Dr Nduom’s main point was that “…we need an entrepreneurial attitude to seep into all parts of our Ghanaian society and into the people, for us to find prosperity and a good life.  Without it, poverty will continue to overcome all our best efforts.”

He continued that…”We need indigenous Ghanaian entrepreneurs who are bold, daring, not afraid to go out there with a dream to live;  ready to confront failure, create concrete solutions where nothing exists, willing to rely on self, unwilling to blame others, believers in their passion, awake to opportunity.“

He said, it is  unfortunate that  in Ghana here people are quick to associate someone’s success with a political party in power. That, the   Chairman of Groupe Nduom said, wrong.

 According to him, “  You  shouldn’t start a business because your party is in power”. He indicated that businesses must survive irrespective of the political party in power.

Dr  Nduom, noted that the primary goal of every entrepreneur is to make  money  not necessarily for  job creation.  To him, businesses are not started because the founders are rich and have nothing to do with their funds.  He told the students not think of having a big capital before they start a business of their own. 

In many instances, he said  businesses are  started with bank loans, friends’ support and  some kind of personal savings.

The renowned businessman, for instance took the students through his journey of entrepreneurship, and how he established many businesses across the continent including insurance companies, bank, hospitality services among others.

He said, the success of his business empire much depended on innovation and branding.  These, he said, put his companies ahead of competitors in the business world.  

Dr Nduom recounted how he and his small staff had to work for nine good years before he secured license from the Bank of Ghana to start the First National Savings and Loans Company. He attributed  the success  of that company to  hard work, commitment and loyalty.

He said no one was born as entrepreneur, “but   you develop it”.  He added that “Real entrepreneurs  can thrive in any environment because they rely  on themselves  and make things work”.

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