AS a nation, if we have to move forward, it will be essential to address the dire unemployment situation facing the youth by creating the appropriate environment for more job creation, especially for the youth.
WE believe that the nation needs to do more in the policy space to manage the key factors affecting the youth in the country instead of implementing a mere policy which might not be relevant in the next regime.
IT is estimated that the youth of Ghana constitute about 30 per cent of the entire population of the country. The statistics also indicate that about 270,000 young people enter the labour market annually.
THE formal sector is able to engage less than five per cent, leaving about 95 per cent to survive in the informal sector or remain unemployed.
POLICY makers should, therefore, understand that employment, empowerment and development for the youth ought to be made a reality rather than letting it remain an idealistic dream or just a mere policy.
TODAY believes that youth development, when approached holistically, can break the poverty cycle and even curtail the spread of diseases and could result in a more stable and prosperous society for the country.
GHANA’S youth development policy should be one that will stimulate economic growth and development by producing skilled labour, technical and managerial innovations among the youth which can lead to increased productivity in the economy.
HOWEVER, the road ahead for the youth in Ghana is riddled with challenges but also replete with possibilities. Dramatic improvements are within reach and we can adopt effective reforms, if the political will is strong.
WE want to drum home the point that a well-equipped youth is the building block for the development of the country’s human resources in line with the axiom that the youth is the most valuable resource to any nation.
IT is our call that the National Youth Policy must be streamlined. For instance, the poverty reduction strategies must focus on employment creation by targeting young people.
SUCCESSFUL efforts to bring about reforms within the educational system in Ghana will rely on resource availability at the top and bottom levels with favourable legislative and budgetary allocations.