Let’s know your position on galamsey –Group to National House of Chiefs

Story: News Desk 

The Ghana Coalition Against Galamsey has urged the National House of Chiefs to clarify its stance on illegal mining activities in Ghana, particularly the widespread practice of “galamsey.”

Comprising various media organisations, the coalition expressed significant concern regarding the environmental and social repercussions of illegal mining, emphasising the necessity for strong leadership from traditional authorities in addressing this pressing issue.

In their recent statement, the coalition noted that the participation of traditional leaders in illegal mining had exacerbated the problem.

They called on the National House of Chiefs to take a firm position against galamsey and promote sustainable practices that prioritise environmental health and the welfare of communities affected by mining operations.

The coalition believes that chiefs hold a vital role in guiding their communities and setting a positive example in the fight against illegal mining.

This appeal comes in light of Ogyeahoho Yaw Gyebi II, President of the National House of Chiefs, having dismissed calls for a complete ban on all mining activities in Ghana.

Instead, he advocated for stronger regulations to ensure responsible mining practices.

In response, the Ghana Coalition highlighted that illegal mining not only depletes natural resources but also causes widespread pollution and degradation of water bodies, jeopardising the livelihoods of many Ghanaians.

The coalition underscored the importance of a united front among stakeholders, including the National House of Chiefs, in tackling the challenges posed by galamsey.

They insisted that a clear and definitive stance from the National House of Chiefs could mobilise communities and foster compliance with environmental laws, ultimately contributing to more sustainable mining practices in the country.

“The Ghana Coalition against Galamsey, with a sense of pressing urgency, has noted with utter disappointment the position of the National House of Chiefs conveyed through its president, purporting to reject any ban on all forms of mining. The Coalition further notes the House of Chiefs’ notable silence and its belated position, now published.”

“Should this statement be correctly understood the way it is relayed, the Coalition notes that the National House of Chiefs has regrettably reinforced and incentivised the rampant and wanton destruction of Ghana’s environment and the commonwealth bequeathed to us by our forebears.”

“The seemingly rather shocking endorsement of illegal mining is particularly worrisome considering the constitutional mandate entrusted the body to act as custodians of the customary resources of the various communities led by its members,” an excerpt of the statement said.

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