I’ll bring back collapsed banks-Mahama

Story: Yaw Takyi

The 2024 flagbearer of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), John Dramani Mahama, has reaffirmed his pledge to revive collapsed banks and financial institutions after a comprehensive and unbiased assessment. 

He stressed the importance of this initiative in stabilising the financial sector and restoring public confidence.

Expressing concern over Ghana’s escalating unemployment rate, Mahama urged Ghanaians to support him overwhelmingly in the 2024 general elections to rejuvenate the struggling economy.

He added that the restoration of these financial institutions would create jobs and stimulate economic growth.

In an interaction with Ghanaians on Sunday, June 9, Mahama acknowledged the rising frustration among the youth. 

The former president outlined his vision for economic recovery, emphasising the need for inclusive policies that benefit all segments of society.

He assured the youth of his commitment to fostering a nation characterised by shared growth and prosperity, and reiterated his dedication to addressing unemployment and creating a more equitable economic environment through the revival of key financial institutions and the implementation of progressive policies.

“By resetting Ghana, I will repair the dangerous damage to our country’s economy and people. Businessmen and women who government apparatchiks have given raw deals will have their say and can be assured of restoration. After a thorough and unbiased assessment, collapsed banks and financial institutions shall be restored. We will provide decent and well-paying jobs through my 24-hour economy initiative.”

“Let me be clear: I am utterly appalled and disappointed by the unprecedented unemployment rate we are seeing today,” he said.

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2 thoughts on “I’ll bring back collapsed banks-Mahama”

  1. GN Bank depositor says:

    You have my vote JDM.

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