GIHOC dismisses mismanagement tag claim

Story: News Desk  

The Management of GIHOC distilleries has dismissed calls for the removal of the Managing Director, Maxwell Kofi Jumah.

The workers on Tuesday, May 16, 2023 staged a protest demanding the payment of salary arrears and accused the MD of mismanagement.

The workers also alleged  that their Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) contributions and Provident fund have been in arrears for almost a year now.

According to the workers, the fortunes of GIHOC distilleries have taken a turn for the worse under the leadership of Mr. Jumah who has been the MD of the company for six years now.

Clad in red armbands, the workers  called on the government to immediately relieve Mr Jumah of his duties.

But the Management of the company said  the allegations were untrue. Nana Kwesi Adubofour Sales Manager at GIHOC said claims of mismanagement were completely untrue adding that just 30 aggrieved workers out of over 500 workers protested.

“We have 565 workers here and if 30 of them protest against the MD then I don’t know why they are doing that, and I don’t know what they meant by mismanagement. The salary arrears are not three months, we are yet to pay last month which we will pay by next week and this month will be paid by the end of this month.”

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