Garu MP to  petition CHRAJ over alleged military brutalities 

Story: Hamza Mohammed

The Member of Parliament  (MP)for Garu, Albert Alalzuuga Akuka, has disclosed that he will petition the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ) to investigate the alleged military brutalities against his constituents.

Personnel from the Ghana Armed Forces allegedly raided Garu on the dawn of October 28 in a quest to seize weapons that were allegedly used to attack National Security operatives on October 24.

Mr. Akuku told the media  that his constituents were unlawfully attacked, with some having Quran recitals at the time in the name of seizing weapons.

“It is true that on October 28, my residents were woken up from bed and were beaten mercilessly, and I am told some of the people were even in the mosque having Quranic recitals at the time, and they pounced on them and beat them mercilessly in the name of trying to retrieve weapons and I was talking to one of the commanders this evening to know if they actually got some weapons out of this, and he said yes.

“I was told that some of the people were forced to drink water from the gutter and you can imagine the health implications this may cause, and I will want to know who sanctioned this action.

He further described the military’s actions as barbaric and demanded an apology from the military’s high command.

“This is an abuse of power, it is an abuse of the uniform, and I think that this must be investigated and those found culpable must be punished because these incidences are one too many and the action in Garu is uncalled for and it is barbaric and the military’s high command must apologise to the people of Garu and Ghana as a whole.

“Apart from calling for investigations, we will take this matter to CHRAJ to investigate it and call the military to order because this is not right and it is torture and an abuse of human rights and this is unacceptable and every Ghanaian must condemn it.”

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