Front Page Comment: Asiedu Nketiah Cannot Be Serious

The Today Newspaper believes that Mr. Asiedu Nketiah, the National Chairman of the New Democratic Congress (NDC) considers politics as a platform for comedy, fun making and masquerading.  For someone who has been in the political arena for so long, it appears that he does not subscribe to the tenets of multiparty democracy and freedom of choice. 

Mr. Nketiah presided over a ceremony on October 16, 2023 to welcome the former Progressive People’s Party (PPP) Chairman for Bono region in Sunyani to the NDC.  His remarks were quite revealing.  For quite sometime now, we have observed that the NDC National Chairman has made it a high priority to find PPP executives willing to defect and join the NDC.  His thinking we sense is that if he can cause the collapse of the PPP, he will strengthen the NDC’s chances of winning the 2024 presidential election.  He is reported to have called upon all of PPP to join the NDC since it is only the NDC that can defeat the ruling party the New Patriotic Party (NPP).

Mr. Nketiah obviously does not know the spirit, foundation and character of the PPP.  Unlike the NDC, the PPP was not formed by people who had the power of the state behind them and had easy access to abundant resources for its organization.  Unlike the NDC, the PPP did not benefit from the cruel dismemberment of Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah’s Convention People’s Party (CPP).  The PPP is small now, but it is resilient and sits on a foundation of great ideas for the country.  Eventually, Ghanaians will come to recognize its readiness to work hard to make Ghana great and strong.  No amount of jokes and comedy will shake and discourage its core.

Just because a political party can win elections does not mean it can govern wisely and bring prosperity to the people.  Freedom of choice is guaranteed by the constitution.  If even in opposition the National Chairman of the NDC is intolerant about the choices of other people, how will he behave if his party is handed the “winner takes all” mandate of the current flawed constitution?  As a human organization, people will come and go.  But it’s core will continue to expand.

Ghanaians are suffering.  But the main 2024 campaign has not even started yet.  The Presidential race is not won.  So, Mr. Nketiah should spend his time to convince the people how his party is going to relieve the citizens of their suffering, create jobs and bring hope to the teeming masses wallowing in poverty.

Mr. Nketiah is demonstrating to the NDC members themselves that indeed the election that made him their National Chairman is having negative consequences.  Elections as is often said, has consequences. 

Mr. John Dramani Mahama must be one worried candidate.

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