FROM a distance, it seems that the citizenry is concerned about the corruption menace that has engulfed the country since the inception of the Fourth Republic.
THE canker has become uncontrollable now, as those involved in the act appear incorrigible.
IT is spreading like a bush fire, and as a result of the thievery or plunder of public resources by some state officials, the people are faced with numerous challenges that otherwise could have been taken care of with the country’s resources.
IT is therefore not a surprise that in recent times the youth in this country have taken to the social media calling the government to fix the numerous pacing facing them.
THERE is no gainsaying the fact that Ghana is one of the best democracies on the African continent. It is also seen as an emerging economy classified as a middle-income country, but the dividends of these positive developments are yet to reflect in the lives of the people.
THE people no longer have trust in their rulers, rather they have become suspicious of appeals from their leaders to sacrifice for a better future when they see them always living extravagant lifestyles at the expense of the poor people who voted them into power.
EVERY day, the people wonder whether their leaders care about their welfare because if they do they will take time to reflect on whether there will be anything left for future generations from the way we are going.
WE can say without any contradiction that the people have become despondent, and want something to be done fast before things get out of hand.
WHAT we need to understand is that although Democratic governance is the best, it cannot however be said to provide all the solutions to our ills.
YES , it is true that democracy has promoted the rule of law, encouraged a free media and respect for minority rights, these alone are not enough.
WE feel sad that the ruling class has abused the confidence the electorate has reposed in it, as the rulers see people as being relevant only during elections.
BY law, the President is required to account to parliamentarians every year; Parliament holds the purse strings of the government and has oversight responsibility for state institutions; while the Judiciary acts as a bulwark against state dictatorship, with the media holding all the institutions accountable to the people of Ghana.
EVERY year, the Auditor-General comes out with frustrating tales of the misappropriation and misuse of public funds, yet nothing happens beyond the public show by the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of Parliament.
AS if that is not enough, in recent times the canker of corruption has affected all state institutions, as taxes meant for the development of the country are siphoned for personal gain.
THERE are two things, therefore, that threaten the future of the country — the canker of corruption and acts of indiscipline. Until we deal with these negative tendencies, the struggle to build a better Ghana will be a mere pipe dream