Dr Nduom’s New Year message apt

THE  Founder and President of Groupe Nduom, Dr Papa Kwesi in his New Year message like  other statesmen  urged Ghanaians to continue to have faith in the country despite  the economic challenges the country experienced in 2022.

AS a leader as he is,  Dr Nduom although acknowledged the fact  that  Ghanaians  faced  loads of  economic difficulties  last year,  he was hopeful that  2023 will be better .  However, he  advised the leadership of the country to make prudent use of  the country’s natural resources and  the abundant talents.

THE business mogul also urged Ghanaians to give  up their best if they want to  walk with their heads high and also feel proud as citizens of Ghana.

“WE can make it happen if we all commit ourselves to push Ghana forward in a positive way”, Dr Nduom was reported to have said .

WE find his message very refreshing and encouraging at this time  considering the fact that, many Ghanaians have given up on this current administration.

INDEED, the call by Dr Nduom on the leadership of the country to make judicious use of our resources  including the abundant talents God has gifted us  is a call in a right direction. This is because Ghana is not  a poor county.

OUR problem , however, since this Fourth Republic has been leadership. We   are where we are today after 30 plus years  in our democratic dispensation because the leaders we have had did not put Ghana first in their developmental agenda.

WE owe it to ourselves as a people to ensure that, this  country becomes a better place to live, and that’s  why we at Today  strongly support  Dr Nduom’s call.

GHANA needs people like Dr Nduom to be  always around to remind us what we need to do as a country. That, Today, believes will  help check the excesses  of  our leaders  and make our country Great and Strong.

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One thought on “<strong>Dr Nduom’s New Year message apt</strong>”

  1. GN Bank depositor says:

    Papa Nduom never mentions what he is doing to help his customers who have locked up funds in his banks and collecting funds owed to his businesses.

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