CID imposter unmasked as he threatens to kill some artisans working for Groupe Nduom in Elmina 

Story: Atta Kwaku Boadi 

Today’s  investigations have uncovered that a young man who parades himself as a police officer working at the Criminal  Investigations Department (CID)  of the  Ghana Police Service at the Police Headquarters in Accra is an imposter.

The man who goes by the name Paul Williams and his thugs posing as police officers invaded a parcel of land  around the  residence of  the Chairman of Groupe Nduom, Dr Papa Kwesi Nduom , in Elmina in the Central region to stop workers at a gun point  who were dredging a shallow portion of the Benya lagoon to create space for the breeding of the lagoon “mpatoa” fish for the benefit of local residents.  

In an interview with Today, a manager at Groupe Nduom who pleaded to speak on condition of anonymity said, “the adjoining land in question belongs to Dr Nduom, and the lagoon to the Edina Omanhen so I am surprised the people claim it is theirs”.

The manager added: “This is the third time the so-called police officer and his men have come to disrupt a legitimate business going on. This time around when the people came, they were armed with guns and pointed the guns at the helpless  workers to stop the construction of the fishpond else they will kill all of them”.

The manager said,  they destroyed everything they had done on the land and warned the workers to stay off the land if they value their lives.

Digging further, Today has intercepted a recorded telephone conversation between the CID imposter and one of the workers where the former threatened   the latter not to  step his foot on the land again.  

The self-acclaimed police officer was heard bragging that he could kill and  nothing  would happen to him.

“I am an investigator at the CID headquarters in Accra,  and this is what I do, we investigate and kill people and cover it up”, he said. 

He went on  to say that he has worked at so many departments including property fraud unit at the police headquarters,  and therefore the worker should not joke with him  if he cherishes his life.

He did not only threaten to kill the workers but he also threatened  to deal with Dr Nduom.

“ If  you people do not stop the project  on  the land, I will move  from one radio station to another  and destroy Dr Nduom if he thinks he has money so he can do whatever he likes”, he  warned.

Meanwhile, when Today called the said police officer’s  MTN Number, 0546736863  although the respondent’s voice was same as the one in  audio telephone conversation the paper intercepted, he denied that he is not a police officer.

However, he told this reporter that,  it is rather  his brother  who is a police officer in Accra. He said, he lives in Cape Coast,  and his name is not Paul Williams but Paul Peprah.  When probed further, he declined to talk and asked the reporter to go to the police headquarters and look for his brother himself.

Meanwhile our checks at the MTN head office in Accra show that the SIM number of   the said police officer which he  used to call the worker  to threaten him, is registered in the name of one Kobinah Badu who also  lives in Cape Coast , and works as Agricultural Extension Officer.

Our further checks at the CID headquarters also indicate that,  the department does not have  anybody with the name Paul Williams or Paul Peprah  as an officer.

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One thought on “CID imposter unmasked as he threatens to kill some artisans working for Groupe Nduom in Elmina ”

  1. GN Bank depositor says:

    Nduom better hire land guards to shoot these imposters!

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