Builsa South MP fixes Fumbisi  road

Story: Kwabena Akyeana 

The Member of Parliament (MP) for Builsa South constituency in the Upper East region, Dr. Clement Apaak has once again come to the aid of his constituents  by supporting them with  gravels at a cost of Ghc11,200.00 to fill the large potholes on  the Fumbisi Senior High School and Town Wiesi roads. 

Today understands that  the roads got deteriorated due  to the  government’s  refusal to pay the contractor MYTURN LTD to fix  it. 

The NDC’s  constituency chairman,  Mr. Caesar Akinkang and the Assemblyman for the Electoral Area,  Mr. Henry Ayeng,   last week  Wednesday mobilized  the youth  in the area to fill most of the dangerous life- threatening  potholes. 

Addressing the youth after the communal work,  the Builsa South  NDC chairman thanked  the youth for making time to contribute to the development of the area.  

He admonished them to continue to lend  their support to the MP anytime there were  such communal activities. 

He indicated that,  it was  the wish of Dr Apaak  to see  all roads in the constituency constructed.

Mr Akinkang  claimed , the Builsa South legislature was  disappointed  in President Akufo -Addo for  failing to honour the promise he made to the people of Builsa South prior to the 2020 elections concerning their roads.

He, however, assured them that the roads would  be constructed should Mr Mahama win the December 7 polls. 

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