Apaak supports constituency again, provides 10 boreholes to 10 communities

Story: New Desk

Member of Parliament ( MP) of Builsa  South constituency in the Upper East Region, Dr Clement Apaak  has once again come to the rescue of his constituency.

The outspoken NDC MP has  provided 10 new boreholes  to  ten communities in his constituency .

The beneficiary communities are; Suik, Bachiesa, Baasa, Jagsa Gunta and Garibeansa.

The rest are; Uwasi, Lovogsa, Kanjarga, Gbedembilis, Goag and Banyasa.

 According to Dr Apaak, what moved him to come to the aid of his constituents was the request his office received in the early part of 2023, that they needed some boreholes.

Following the request, he said, he engaged the District Assembly to proceed with the drilling, construction and installation of hand pumps numbering ten(10) to the communities. 

“In as much as the Builsa South Constituency wishes to provide good drinking source of water to  its people, my  office is always open to any of the locality that calls for help in the provision of same”, he said. 

The beneficiary  communities which could not hide their excitement  expressed   joy over the projects, noting, it would help   alleviate them the stress of finding and drawing water from unhygienic sources.


One Madam Gloria from Lovogsa while thanking the MP intimated that “the water problem at the time made all aspects of life in my community difficult. As a homemaker, I cannot fully explain the profound grief this situation caused me. I am a mother and the situation actually affected my children’s education since they have to walk long distance and queue each morning before getting water to bath for school which makes them perpetual late goers to school”

The story was not different at Bachiesa  as  Mr. Pius Akpai narrated,  ” the greatest difficulty my village faced all its existence without  solution was finding enough water for everyone. Many partners tried to help us but did not succeed. Now, my community and I are experiencing this joy through the intervention of the MP, this is a life time dream come true”. 

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