Alex Mould, Gavivina to cough GH¢5m as bail bond for ‘missing’ Sedinam Tamakloe

Story: Peace Awuku

Former Ghana National Petroleum Commission (GNPC) boss, Alex Mould and Gavivina Tamakloe who stood surety for former MASLOC boss, Sedinam Tamakloe have been asked by the high court to pay GH¢ 5 million which was the bail bond for the former MASLOC boss.

Sedinam Tamakloe who is on trial for willfully causing financial loss to the state has been absent from trial since October 2021 after she was given permission to seek medical treatment outside the country.

The two sureties were on October 22, 2022, however, tasked by the court to produce the accused.

Failure to do so caused the state to file the application of forfeiture of recognizance which will make the sureties pay for the bail bond.

The court at the last adjourned date however set Tuesday, January 24, 2023  to decide on the motion.

The court also asked lawyers for the sureties to authenticate a medical report that purported to explain reasons for the absence of the former MASLOC boss from the trial.

Though the document from a hospital in the United States indicated that the accused had a spinal and eye problem, the court noted that it did not prove that the accused could not  travel to Ghana for medical treatment.

The court further noted that 16 months since the directive for the sureties to produce the accused has  enough time for the sureties hence directing for the application forfeiture of recognizance.

The court however is yet to determine an application for the accused to be tried in absentia. The case has since been adjourned to February 7

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One thought on “<strong>Alex Mould, Gavivina to cough GH¢5m as bail bond for ‘missing’ Sedinam Tamakloe</strong>”

  1. It’s surprising to see such a hefty bail bond; I hope everything gets sorted out soon for everyone involved!

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