Akufo-Addo fires SSNIT boss 

Story: News Desk 

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has terminated the appointment of the Director-General of the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) Dr. John Ofori Tenkorang.

In a letter by the Executive Secretary to the President, Nana Bediatuo Asante, Dr. Tenkorang has been instructed to hand over his duties to Kofi Bosompem Osafo-Maafo by Monday, April 15.

“Reference is made to your appointment letter dated 1st July 2019, issued by the Public Services Commission.
In accordance with paragraph 8 of the said appointment letter, I regret to inform you that the President has terminated your appointment effective 15th April, 2024 with three (3) months’ salary in lieu of notice.

“You are directed to hand over your office to Mr. Kofi Bosompem Osafo-Maafo and proceed to collect any terminal benefits you may be entitled to.

“To ensure a smooth transition, kindly hand over and cease to act as the Director-General of the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) no later than the close of business on Monday, 15th April, 2024. The President thanks you for your service to the nation and extends his best wishes.”

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