2020 PPP’s  flagbearer calls  

*For constitutional reforms
Story: Rueben SACKEY

The 2020 Presidential Candidate for the Progressive People’s Party (PPP) has added her voice to the undying calls for constitutional reforms.
Madam Brigitte Dzogbenuku said the constitution in its current form only favours a few political elites at the expense of all Ghanaians.

According to her, the 30-year democratic rule had rather been against the very fiber of making Ghanaians better off.

She mentioned massive youth unemployment amongst others as the basis for her assertion.
She said, her assertions were verifiable by all Ghanaians and must be addressed immediately to avert any unforeseen circumstances.

“Our 30-year democratic experience has rather registered massive youth unemployment, excessive and unfettered executive powers, unbridled corruption, a compromised Parliament, waste of Ghana’s resources, nepotism, mediocrity mismanagement of the economy, and the constant failure of leadership,” she said on JoyNews which was monitored by Today.

“In fact, the current constitution has rather created a situation where winning political parties have treated the republic as a colony to be conquered, and its resources are taken for the welfare of the few privileged members of the political elites of the party in power depriving the significant majority of Ghanaians of the dividends of a welfare,” she said.

Madam Brigitte Dzogbenuku  thus proposed five key fundamental amendments that should be to the 1992 constitution.
She maintained that even though, these would not address all the issues with the constitution, it would go a long way to helping shape the same for the betterment of the ordinary Ghanaian.

To this end,she proposed that some amendments should be made..
These,she said,included returning  power to the people for all Ghanaians directly to Metropolitan, Municipal, and District Chief Executives (MMDCEs) without any interference from the president and cancel government appointees into the district assemblies, prohibiting  Members of Parliament  (MPs) from being appointed as ministers of state, or else MPs must resign from Parliament after their appointment and strengthening  the Office of  the Attorney General by separating it  from the Ministry of Justice.

The rest are introducing  a public declaration of assets regime and     clarifying  the eligibility of Ghanaians in the diaspora to hold public office.
She spoke on Joy Change-Speakers Series II at the weekend.

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One thought on “2020 PPP’s  flagbearer calls  ”

  1. old man says:

    Ghana needs to stop all the delays and corruption in the court system so that collapsed financial bank lawsuits get settled.

    The Finance Minister’s authority needs to be reduced to stop corruption.

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