Story: Peace AWUKU
The Oti Regional Minister, Joseph Gmayenaam Makubu, has expressed concern over the rejection of postings by 14 medical doctors to his region.
According to the Minister, no reasons have been assigned for the unfortunate development but he pointed out that some Ghanaians have the perception that the Oti Region is not well developed because it is a new region.
Mr Makubu said even though Oti is a new region,” it is competing with some old regions in terms of development”.
Makubu indicated that, several follow-ups had been made at the Ministry of Health in Accra to get the doctors to report to work but the efforts had yielded no results so far.
The minister, however, gave the assurance that he would not relent until he gets doctors posted to his Region.
He said, none of the 14 posted doctors showed up or even came around to tour the Region to access for themselves the situation on the ground.
“I can tell you that data available to me now has it that, from 2020 till now, about 14 doctors who were posted to my region have rejected the postings and have never seen any of them reporting to their assigned hospitals, “he said.
He said, “there are several health facilities in the Region which need doctors but it seems everyone now wants to work in the big cities. This is unfair!”
He said rural dwellers deserve quality healthcare regardless of their geographical locations.